Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Infused water instead of soft drinks



So many of us developed the habit of taking soft drinks at home as treats, when visitors came to the house, when we visited others or when we went for parties. Another set developed the habit after leaving home for higher institution . When the food sold at eateries tasted poorly, we used soft drinks to push the meals down.
It is no saying that soft drinks are highly unhealthy. From being a risk factor for chronic heaalth diseases to emptying our purses. Then they came with cream soda. Then they came with Diet drinks. Arrgghh!!!
Ok we know.What then is the way forward?? You dont like to drink water because you never cultivated the habit or you tried to cultivate the habit of drinking water but failed at it or you are ' Aje paki ma mumi'.

Well, i propose you try infused water. It entails the soaking fruits/herbs,etc in water over a few hours to get their taste into the water. This flavours the water naturally and is actually very appealing.

I like prekese infused water because it is sweet. I love herb infused water because it is spicy- Nchanwu leaf/Curry leaf/mint leaf infused water. I also love citrus and cucumber infused water. They are all quite refreshing especially when chilled.
For my infused water bottle, I improvise with empty mayonnaise bottles which you can buy anywhere around.

dr dileem says infused water beats soft drinks anyday!!

Dr Dileem
The Likita Bokanturai
Kano Nigeria

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