Thursday, 31 December 2015

Making Food Items Last Longer

In the wake of ecomonic shake downs, i say FRUGAL is the new COOL!!
I have observed that no matter how much i try to preserve my lettuce,it goes soggy and into the trash. Boo hoo hoo!!
Meat, fish and other perishables you put in your fridge don't have a very long shelf life the way they're packaged. That's why you could be saving lots of money a year just by vacuum sealing your food.
Vacuum-sealing helps keeps flavour in and bacteria out, so you can store your food up to five to six times longer. For example, fish generally lasts four months in the freezer, but when vacuum-sealed, it will last two years.
Meat will typically stay good for five months, but it will last up to three years if you use the vacuum sealer. That's five to six times longer than regular old freezer bags.
And it is not restricted to your freezer. Vacuum sealing works on foods that you keep in your fridge, as well. Lettuce, which for instance, gets soggy pretty fast. That's why so much of it is thrown out and not used. However, when it's sealed it can last for two to three weeks.
So, if you're looking for a way to save money, vacuum seal these items and keep your food, and your budget, from going bad. This will save you lots of money

Dr dileem
The Likita Bokanturai
Kano Nigeria

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Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Dr dileem's Kurkur yoghurt face mask

This is a genius mask especially for oily, pimple-prone skin .It is also great for full blown acne. The turmeric is anti-inflammatory and antibacterial, and the yogurt is intensely soothing and gently exfoliating. The honey is soothing and the lemon will add a pop of brightness to your skin. Turmeric can stain, so be sure to put a towel around your neck while you are wearing the mask! This will save you a lot of money!
2tbsp plain yogurt
1tsp ground kurkur(turmeric) powder
1tsp honey
A couple of drops of lemon juice
Simply mix all the ingredients together, and apply to your face. Leave for 20 minutes, and rinse off with warm water.  Moisturize as usual. Eat up any remainder like I do.

Dr dileem
The Likita bokanturai
Kano Nigeria

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Dr dileem's ultra healing hand balm

As we head into the worst harmattan phase especially in Kano,Nigeria it’s the perfect time to give your hands the gift of the nourishing balm! High quality ingredients are the secret behind this amazing DIY!
Ultra Healing Hand Balm Recipe
½ cup cocoa butter
½ cup shea butter
½ cup sunflower oil
1 tbsp olive oil
15 drops lavender essential oil

Dr dileem
The Likita Bokanturai
Kano Nigeria

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Dr dileem's Coconut Oil beauty routine

Coconut oil has been revered for its many health benefits.Of recent, coconut oil has been popping up as an ingredient in  beauty products. Why? Coconut oil has moisturizing and nourishing properties, which can help keep your skin and hair healthy. It’s also a chemical-free alternative to many of the store-bought creams, lotions and conditioners you may be using on your skin, hair and face. Unlike conventional beauty products, coconut oil contains no parabens, phthalates, sulfates or other harmful ingredients.
I have created created a list of my favorite uses —try them all out and start saving big money!
I decided to go natural with my hair,I had a big chop. My natural hair is of the toughest species and coconut oil helps me.
Blow drying, curling, straightening and bleaching your hair can leave your lhair dry and damaged. Repair your hair naturally with a deep-conditioning coconut oil mask. Spread a palm ful of coconut oil evenly through your hair and leave on overnight. In the morning, simply wash out the coconut oil to reveal shiny and healthy looking hair!
I am in the business of giving commercial home massages to women and I found coconut oil useful.
I just add a few drops of an essential oil e.g  lavender to coconut oil for a natural and relaxing massage oil.
Beautiful hands and nails at home. Treat yourself to an at-home manicure with the help of coconut oil! Soften your cuticles by simply massaging coconut around your nails.
People say I look younger than my age. I will share only one secret for now.
As part of my anti-aging regimen,i replaced  usual moisturizer with coconut oil to keep the skin hydrated and soft.
As part of my money saving scheme in this economic volcano as I like to call it, I stopped using commercial make-up removers.
If you’re looking for a gentle way to remove makeup that doesn’t require scrubbing, coconut oil is just what you need.  Dab coconut oil on a cotton ball and gently spread across your eyes. You’ll be surprised how quickly your makeup dissolves! Finish up by washing your face as usual.
This is an ancient Ayurvedic technique that uses natural substances to draw out toxins in your body. Oil pulling with coconut oil is an easy way to improve oral health and can be done in 4 easy steps:
Put 1-2 teaspoons of coconut oil into your mouth
Swish for 20 minutes
Spit oil into the sink
Brush teeth well.
Especially during this harsh harmattan in Kano. No one likes chapped lips, and it’s important to make sure you’re not contributing to the problem by using chemical-filled lip balms. In fact i found my lips reacting to lip balms.Many lip balms contain harmful ingredients like petroleum jelly or synthetic fragrances that actually end up drying out your lips even more. Luckily, coconut oil is an inexpensive and safe way to soothe even the driest lips! Use it as you would any lip balm by spreading across your lips and let the healing begin!
Shaving regularly can strip the skin of vital oils and cause unsightly razor burns. Combat itchy, red skin by shaving with coconut oil.
An at-home exfoliating treatment is a great way to ensure your skin is ready to soak up the hydrating effects of coconut oil. Combine coconut oil and  sugar for a homemade and environmentally friendly body scrub. Use in the shower to gently polish away dry flakes for soft, glowing skin.

Dr dileem
The Likita Bokanturai
Kano Nigeria

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Saturday, 19 December 2015


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