Sunday, 1 November 2015

Veggies and sex life

You probably already know that a diet rich in vegetables is good for your health and your waistline, but did you know certain veggies can support better sexual health?
Fresh organic vegetables are filled with phytonutrients and high levels of compounds that work to fight inflammation, like polyphenols and a host of vitamins – and, these particular veggies can even work to rev up your sex life.

As avocados are rich in heart-healthy fats, they can help keep the heart beating strong, which means the blood is flowing to all the right places. Heart health is essential for a good sex life – men with underlying heart disease are twice as likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction (ED).
Peppers are packed with capsaicin, which is known to trigger the release of feel-good endorphins that act like natural painkillers. They also increase the heartbeat along with the flow of blood and oxygen, helping to make things hotter in the sack.
Beets are rich in nitrates, and the bacteria on your tongue helps to convert them to nitrites, which are then converted to nitric oxide in the stomach. ED medications work by increasing nitric oxide levels, which increases blood flow to the penis by dilating blood vessels. Studies have also found that consuming beets can improve endurance levels in athletes – it’s not a far stretch to think they might help improve endurance in the bedroom.
Beets may be one of the best veggies for revving up your sex life, and improving your health.

dr dileem says these aphrodisiacs will save you a lot of money!

Dr Dileem
The Likita Bokanturai
Kano Nigeria

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